Case-management services are those that help people navigate the system of health and social services. Medicaid funds several types of case-management services, including programs for mental health and mental retardation, programs for the elderly and disabled, and programs for children.
Recipients of some Medicaid case-management services may have access to a variety of home and community services, which include meals, personal care, skilled care, adult day health, assisted living and respite care.
The NextStep Care program is a state-plan service for Medicaid recipients on SSI who have chronic diseases and are at risk of nursing center placement. Our hallmarks are physician involvement and intensive case-management. More information about us is available by calling 1.888.762.2420.
The Community Care Service Provider Program is a Medicaid waiver program operated out of the Department of Human Resources. Recipients who have income above the SSI level may qualify for Medicaid services by paying for a portion of the services they receive. CCSP recipients must have a chronic disease and be eligible for client-center placement to qualify for services. The Area Agency on Aging in your area accepts referrals for the Community Care Program.
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